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9 Apr 2020

Brief about 8051 Microcontroller

8051 microcontroller / AT89C51 / 89C51 is 8-bit microcontroller which have 40 pins. The meaning of 8-bit is, it can process on 8-bit data only.  It consists of 8 data bus D0-D7 and 8-bit accumulator. There are registers (memory elements) which are known as general purpose registers and special function registers. there are 16-bit registers also like data pointer (DPTR) and program counter (PC). As it is 8-bit microcontroller, 16 bit registers can be accessed as two 8-bit registers like DPH and DPL. As far as memory concern, it consists of 4k of ROM to store programs and 128 bytes of RAM to store user data. For input and output operations there are 4 parallel input-output ports namely port 0, port 1, port 2, port 3. each port is 8-bit wide and can be used as input by writing FFh (1111 1111)B and  as output port by writing 00h (0000 000)B onto it.
Instruction: Instruction is the command given to the microcontroller to perform specific task. Instruction is made up of two parts, operational code and operand. 8051 supports 5 instruction sets
1)      Data transfer instruction set
2)      Arithmetic instruction set
3)      Logical instruction set
4)      Boolean variable bit manipulation instruction set
5)      Program branching instruction set

Addressing modes: Addressing mode is the way in which operands are used by instruction. 8051 supports 5 addressing modes.
1)      Register addressing mode
2)      Direct addressing mode
3)      Indirect addressing mode
4)      Immediate addressing mode
5)      Base plus index register indirect addressing mode

Interrupt: interrupt is the incoming signal for microcontroller which indicates that an event has been occurred. 8051 supports 6 vectored interrupts
1)      RST- 00H
2)      INT0-03H
3)      T0-0BH
4)      INT1-13H
5)       T1-1BH
6)      TI/RI-23H
There are some special function registers listed below
1)      Program status word (PSW)
2)      Interrupt Enable (IE)
3)      Interrupt Priority (IP)
4)      Timer control (TCON)
5)      Timer mode (TMOD)
6)      Power control (PCON)
7)      Serial control (SCON)
8)      Serial buffer (SBUF)
Internal memory architecture of 8051 is mainly divided into 3 parts
1)      Working registers (consists of register banks RB0-RB3)
2)      Bit addressable area
3)      General purpose registers
Working registers: memory locations covered by working registers are 00H-1FH. it consists of four register banks RB0 to RB3. each register bank consists of 8 registers R0-R7. Each register of register bank is 8-bit wide.
Bit addressable area: memory locations covered by bit addressable area ranges from 20H – 2FH. It consists bit addressable area which is accessed by bit manipulation instructions.
General purpose registers: Memory locations from 30H-7FH are occupied by General purpose registers. during programming, mostly in direct addressing mode, it is preferred to use memory locations beyond 30H.

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