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6 Jan 2021

All multiple choice questions (MCQ) of Computer Hardware and Networking (CHN) 17533 and Computer Network and Digital communication (CND) 22634


All multiple choice questions (MCQ) of Computer Hardware and Networking (CHN) 17533 and Computer Network and Digital communication (CND) 22634


Q 1. _______________is ‘heart’ of the processor that performs different operations 

a) Arithmetic and logic unit

b) Motherboard
c) Control Unit
d) Memory


Q 2 The key feature of the PCI BUS is _________
a) Low cost connectivity
b) Plug and Play capability
c) Expansion of Bandwidth
d) None of the mentioned


Q 3  PCI stands for _______
a) Peripheral Component Interconnect
b) Peripheral Computer Internet
c) Processor Computer Interconnect
d) Processor Cable Interconnect


Q 4 Which bus architecture supports 32-bit / 64-bit cards and transfers information at 33 MHz?

a) ISA
c) AGP
d) PCI


Q 5 BIOS is used for ?

a)     For updating system information on network

b)    For loading operating system

c)     Helps in routing

d)   To take inputs from keywords and other devices


Q 6 What is the high speed memory between the main memory and the CPU called?
a) Register Memory

b) Cache Memory

c) Storage Memory

d) Virtual Memory


Q 7 The smallest unit of data in computer is ________________
a) Byte
b) Nibble
c) Bit
d) KB


Q 8. The technology used in optical disks is ______
a) Reflective
b) Refractive
c) Laser Beam
d) Diffraction


Q 9  Which of the following is not a type of optical disk?
a) DVD
b) CD
d) Winchester


Q 10 The full form of LCD is ____________
a) Liquid Crystal Display
b) Liquid Crystalline Display
c) Logical Crystal Display
d) Logical Crystalline Display


Q 11 Type of printer in which characters or letters are formed without the use of any mechanical impact is termed as

a) Page Printer

b) Line Printer

c) Impact Printer 

d)  Non Impact Printer


Q 12. ____________ is the type of printer whose output is produced by the use of light beam and particles of ink

a) Character printer

b) Line printer

c) Laser printer

d) Beam printer


Q 13 SPMS are based on the ________ principle.
a) Phase control
b) Integral control
c) Chopper


Q 14 The purple wire is for

a)    Standby

b)    Power Good

c)     +12V

d)    Power on


Q 15. SMPS is used for
a) obtaining controlled ac power supply
b) obtaining controlled dc power supply
c) storage of dc power
d) switch from one source to another


Q 16 The high speed mode of operation of the USB was introduced by _____
a) ISA
b) USB 3.0
c) USB 2.0


Q 17 Which of the following is not counted among safety equipment?
a) Vacuum reliever
b) Alarms
c) Flashback arresters
d) Temperature reliever

           Q 18 The mouse pointer moves erratically, what is the possible cause? The mouse

a)    ball is dirty

b)    is not connected

c)     driver is not installed properly

d)    has an incorrect IRQ setting


Q 19 which part of the laser printer should NOT be exposed to sunlight?

a.)Transfer corona assembly

b) PC drum

c) Primary corona wire

d) Toner cartridge


Q 20  While doing preventative maintenance of dot matrix printer, one should not lubricate_________________

       a) Platen assembly

b)      Print head pulley

c)      Print head pins

d)     Paper advance gear bushing


Q 21 Droplets of ink are deflected by ________________________in Inkjet printer.

a)    multi directional nozzles

b)    electronically charged plates

c)     high pressure plates

d)    electrostatic absorption


Q 22 _______________ must be needed to be vacuumed or replaced while doing preventative maintenance of laser printer.

a)     Scanning mirror

b)    Toner cartridge

c)     Ozone filter

d)    All of the above


Q 23.Computer Network is

a)     Collection of hardware components and computers

b)    Interconnected by communication channels

c)     Sharing of resources and information

d)    All of the Above


Q 24 DHCP is the abbreviation of

a)    Dynamic Host Control Protocol

b)    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

c)     Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol

d)    Dynamic Hyper Configuration Protocol


Q 25 IPV4 Address is

a)     8 bit

b)    16 bit

c)     32 bit

d)    64 bit


Q 26.DNS is the abbreviation of

a)     Dynamic Name System

b)    Dynamic Network System

c)     Domain Name System

d)    Domain Network Service


Q 27 Bridge in Network is also used _____________

a)    to connect LANs

b)    to separate LANs

c)     to control Network Speed

d)    All of the above


Q 28 Ethernet frame consists of ____________

a) MAC address
b) IP address
c) Default mask
d) Network addres


Q 29 MAC address is of ___________
a) 24 bits
b) 36 bits
c) 42 bits
d) 48 bits


Q 30 STP stands for _________

a)    Shielded twisted pair cable

b)    Spanning tree protocol

c)     Static transport protocol

d)    Shielded two power cable


Q 31 What does an OSI stand for?

a)     Open Systems Intermediate

b)    Operating System Interconnection

c)     Open Systems Interconnection

d)    Open Systems Interface


Q 32 ______________ layers are present in the Internet protocol stack like TCP or IP model.   
a) 5

b) 7

c) 6

d) 10

         Q 33 The number of layers in ISO OSI reference model is __________

a) 5

b)    7

c)     6

d)    10


Q 34 Application layer is implemented in ____________
      a) End system
      b) NIC
      c) Ethernet
      d) Packet transport


Q 35 The_____ address identifies

a)     physical

b)    IP

c)     port

d)    specific


Q 36 .Router operates in which layer of OSI Reference Model?

a)     Layer 1 (Physical Layer)

b)    Layer 3 (Network Layer)

c)     Layer 4 (Transport Layer)

d)    Layer 7 (Application Layer)


Q 37. Minimum header size of an IP packet is______________.

a)     16 bytes

b)    10 bytes

c)     20 bytes

d)    32 bytes

Q 38 Which of following provides reliable communication?

a)    TCP

b)    IP

c)     UDP

d)    All of the above


Q 39 .Which of the following is/are Protocols of Application?

a)     FTP

b)    DNS

c)     Telnet

d)    All of above


Q 40. Size of Source and Destination IP address in IP header is___________________.

a)     4 bits

b)    8 bits

c)     16 bits

d)    32 bits

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