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14 Dec 2021

Adverse effects of mobile Smartphone - school students Drama


Adverse effects of mobile Smartphone - school students Drama


Skit Script

Good evening all

Smartphone is to make life easy and give us lot of convenience, but now a days strange phenomenon seen everywhere which is called as mobile mania

Short skit about before and after smart phone                                          

(before)       let’s see how early in the morning peoples get up before Smartphone

(after)            But now …oh what a change

(before)       Meal time spent with a family by eating, talking with each other.

(after)           What about now, no sharing, no caring

(before)       play time is used to fun, they used to play outdoor games like football, cricket, kho-kho etc..

(after)          what now? No outdoor games, no physical exercises. It’s really worry


(before)       helping peoples in their need was considered as moral duty

(after)          now a day’s that’s not good

(before)       parents can easily pacify their children with the  chocolate, candy and ice-cream

(after)         but now children only wants mobile phone to get engaged

(Before)      neighbors used to greet and meet friends


Wait… all this kids putting their phone away… what an example they are spreading…

The end


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