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5 Jan 2021

RS 232 & MAX 232

RS 232 & MAX 232

RS 232 (Recommended Standard 232) is the serial communication protocol (Protocol= set of rules), generally used to connect computer CPU to its different peripherals like monitor, printer etc. RS232 which has 9 pins also referred as DB9 connector. Here are some images of RS232

 Fig 1: Male RS 232 connector (Zoom it to see pin numbers inside)


Fig 2: Pin out of RS232

Fig 2: Actual RS 232 cable

Fig 4: Female RS 232 connector

Let’s see the pin details of RS232

Pin No.

Pin Name

Full form/ acronym




Data carrier detect

Output signal from the modem (DTE) and input to the PC (DTE).



Receive data

Receive data serially



Transmit data

Transmit data serially



Data terminal ready

Active low signal used to inform the modem that the computer is working proper







Data set ready

Active low signal and activated if there is proper communication between modem and telephone



Request to send

Active low output from the Data Terminal  Equipment (DTE)/computer to the modem



Clear to send

Input signal to the DTE is used by the DTE to start transmission.



Ring indicator

Output from the modem (DCE) and an input to a PC (DTE)

Note:   DTE = Data Terminal Equipment = PC

            DCE = Data Communication Equipment = Modem


MAX 232 :

For communication between microcontroller development board and computer, RS 232 is used which is followed by MAX 232 IC. MAX 232 is bi-directional voltage converter and used to convert voltage level.

RS232 represents logic “1” as -3v to -25v where logic “0” as +3v to +25v which make -3v to +3v undefined. To cope up with this situation RS 232 voltage levels need to be converted into microcontroller’s voltage levels. MAX 232 is the IC which does the same. 

Fig 5: MAX 232

The MAX232 consists of two sets of line drivers. One set i.e. T1 & T2 is used for transferring of data and other set i.e. R1 & R2 is used for receiving data. T1 in pin is the TTL side and is connected to T x D of microcontroller. T1out is the RS232 side that is connected to R x D pin of RS232 DB. The R1in is the RS232 side that is connected to the T x D pin of RS232 DB connector and R1out is TTL side that is connected to the R x D pin of the microcontroller. MAX 232 uses four capacitors whose values are ranging from 1 to 22uF. 

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