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6 Oct 2020

MCQ of Electrical circuits and networks (ECN)

MCQ of Electrical circuits and networks (ECN) 

1.      Capacitive reactance is calculated using.

a.      Xc = 1/ 2πfc

b.      Xc = 1/ 2πfL

c.       Xc = 1/ 2πf

d.      None of above

2.      In purely inductive circuit the current is

a.       Lagging than voltage

b.      Leading than voltage

c.       In phase

d.       Out of phase

3.      In purely capacitive circuit the current is

a. Lagging than voltage

b. Leading than voltage

c.       In phase

d.      Out of phase

4.      Phasor diagram is method to represent the alternating quantity which is

a.       Simple

b.      Complicated

c.       None of  above

5.      Power factor of the purely resistive circuit is


 b. 0


d. less than 1 

6.       Power factor of the purely capacitive circuit is


 b. 0


d. less than 1

 7. Inductive reactance of the circuit having inductance 0.15 Henry is

a. 47.12

b. 48

c. 50

d. 60.2  

 8. Value of current if the applied voltage is 100 v and resistance of 128.92

a.       0.7757 A
b.      0.855 A
c.       0.5625A
d.      .859 A
 9. Condition for resonance in RLC series circuit is

a. XL= XC

b. XL  grater than XC

c. XL less than XC

 10. The band width of series resonant circuit is given by

a. B= f2 –f1

b. B =f2+ f1

c. B = f2 =f1

11. Quality factor of the RLC series circuit is known as

            a. Current magnification

            b. voltage magnification

           c. Both

12 . Quality factor of the RLC parallel circuit is known as

         a. Current magnification

         b. voltage magnification

        c. Both

13. In series RLC circuit impedance is

         a. Minimum

         b. Maximum

14. In parallel RLC circuit impedance is

         a. Minimum

         b. Maximum

15. Nature of RLC series circuit is

a. Inductive

b. Resistive

c. Capacitive


16. RLC series resonant circuit is

a. Acceptor

b. Rejector

c. Both

17. In parallel resonant circuit

a. Current magnification takes place

b. Voltage magnification takes place

c. Both


18. Resonant frequency of capacitance 100 micro farad and inductance of 0.1 H is

a.50.32 Hz

b. 60 Hz

c. 56 Hz

d. 57.35 Hz


19. Resistance in series has

a. Current same

b. Voltage Same

c. Current and voltage are equal.

20. Equivalent of resistances in parallel is calculated

a. Taking reciprocal of each resistance

b. Adding all resistances

c. Subtracting the resistances.

21. Ohams law is applicable to

a. Non linear devices

b. Linear devices

c. Both

22. The source resistance of the ideal voltage source is

a. zero

b. infinity

c. None of above

23.Two networks are said to be equivalent if and only if

a. Resistance between each terminal is equal

b. Different.

c. None of above

24. The delta network is obtained by connecting  the three resistors

a. To form a close path

b. End to end connection

c. None of above

25. Kirchhoff’s law states that current coming towards node is

a. Different than the outgoing current.

b. Equal to current out going from the node.

c. Is half of the current out going from the node

d. None of above


26. Three resistors of 10 ohm are connected in delta connection .conversion value of register into star is 

a. 10 ohm

b. 20 ohm

c.3.33 ohm

d.35 ohm


27. Potential rise is called if we trace

a. Negatively mark terminal to positively mark terminal

b. Positively mark terminal to Negatively mark terminal

c. None

28.Kirchffos law states that algebraic sum of the voltage around a closed loop is equal to

a. Infinity

b. Zero

29. Potential drop is called if we trace

a. Negatively mark terminal to positively mark terminal

b. Positively mark terminal to negatively mark terminal

c. None

30.Nodal analysis is done by using

a. KCL

b. KVL

c. Both

d. None of above


31. The active network is called which  consists of

a. Current source

b. Voltage source

c. Energy source.

d. None of above

32. The network whose characteristics changes is known as

a. Linear Network 

b. Non linear network

c. Both

33. Superposition theorem should be used when

a. There are only one energy source

b. More than one source

c. None

34. The superposition theorem is not applicable to circuit containing

a. Diode

b. Register

c. Transistor

35. Thevenins theorem is used to make network

a. More complicated

b. Simple

c. None of above

36. Maximum power transfer theorem is used

a. In power Amplifier to match the impedance

b. In other type of circuitry

c. In transformer.

37. Condition for maximum power transfer is

a. RL = Rth

b. RL greater than Rth

c. RL less than Rth

d. None of above


38. Two port network is said to be Reciprocal network if ratio

a. Same

b. Different

c. None

39. The Y parameter formula Y11 is known as

a. Short circuit driving point output admittance

b. Short circuit driving point input admittance

c. Short circuit forward transfer admittance.

d. Short circuit forward transfer admittance.

40. The Y parameter formula Y12 is known as

a. Short circuit driving point output admittance

b. Short circuit driving point input admittance

c. Short circuit forward transfer admittance.

d. Short circuit reverse  transfer admittance.



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