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5 Oct 2020

Embedded systems MCQ


1. Embedded system is ___________.

a)     Combination of hardware and software

b)    Stand alone system

c)     Can be used for specific applications

d)    All of above


2. Which is application of embedded system?

a)     Multi tasking toys

b)    Digital cameras

c)     Washing machine

d)    All of above


3. Which is not feature of embedded system?

a)     It is non user programmable

b)    It is flexible and can be used for different applications

c)     It is efficient

d)    Less costly due to mass production


4. In Harvard architecture, address and data memory is__________

a)     Combined

b)    Separate data and program memory

c)     Not present

d)    None of above


5. Speed of operation of von-neumann architecture is _______ as compared to Harvard architecture

a)     Slower

b)    Faster

c)     Equal

d)    None of above


6. Data and address lines are __________ in von-neumann architecture

a)     Separate

b)    Combined / multiplexed

c)     Not used

d)    16-bit


7. RISC stands for___________.

a)     Reduced information set complex

b)    Repeat instruction set computer

c)     Reduced instruction set computer

d)    None of above


 8. CISC uses ___________ clock and more stress on _________.

a)     Single, software

b)    Single, hardware

c)     multiple, software

d)    multiple, hardware


9. NRE (Non Recurring Engineering) cost is_________.

a)     Unit cost of individual unit  

b)    Overall production cost

c)     One time investment done in embedded system like its money invested in design, research and development (R&D), hardware

d)    None of above


10. Medium scale embedded system uses_____ processors.

a)     1-8 bit

b)    8- 16 bit

c)     16-32 bit

d)    Scalable


11. Which of the following C-language example perform XOR operation

a)     A=B & C

b)    A=B ^ C

c)     A=B | C

d)    None of above


12. Programming in assembly language is _________than programming in embedded C

a)     Faster

b)    Slower

c)     Easier

d)    None of above


13. P0=0XFF; instruction configures port 0 as input port

a)     True

b)    False


14. The function of editor is to provide facility of

a)     Write and modify source codes

b)    List errors

c)     Converting source codes into machine codes

d)    None of above


15. Assembler and compiler are used to convert __________ and _____________ into machine language codes respectively

a)     Low language codes and high level language codes

b)    High level language codes and Low language codes

c)     high level language codes and machine codes

d)    none of above


16. ____________ is used to combine small modules to form one large program

a)     loader

b)    locator

c)     linker

d)    debugger


17. ‘C’ language program for 89C51 to generate triangular waveform uses__________

a)     for(d=0; d<255; d++)

b)    for(d=255; d>0; d--)

c)     both of above

d)    for(d=255; d--)


18. In serial communication, to set the baud rate 4800, _______ need to write in timer register

a)     -3 or 0FD H

b)    -6 or 0FA H

c)     -12 or 0F4 H

d)    -24 or 0E8 H


19. In which communication type, data is sent one by one?

a)     Serial communication

b)    Parallel communication

c)     Synchronous communication

d)    None of above


20. RS 232 is used as voltage converter

a)     True

b)    False


21. ____________ have data transfer rate of Synchronous with 3speeds 100Kbps, 400 Kbps and 3.4Mbps

a)     I2C

b)    CAN

c)     USB

d)    WiFi


22. ________ are the features of USB.

a)     The computer acts as the host.

b)    Up to 127 devices can connect to the host

c)     Both of above

d)    None of above


23. In CAN protocol, address bits are_________.

a)     7- bit or 10-bit

b)    8-bit

c)     9-bit

d)    11-bit


24. Which is not wireless communication protocol?

a)     IrDA

b)    Bluetooth

c)     Zigbee

d)    USB


25. To rotate stepper motor clockwise, which of the following sequence is used?

a)     0x99, 0xCC, 0x66, 0x33

b)    0xCC, 0x99, 0x66, 0x33

c)     0x33, 0x66, 0x99, 0x33

d)    0x33, 0xCC, 0x99, 0x66


26. To interface 4*4 matrix keyboard, how many I/O pins are required?

a)     4

b)    8

c)     9

d)    16


27. Identify the diagram given below


a)     ADC interfacing

b)    DAC interfacing

c)     LM35 interfacing

d)    None of above


28. Which driver IC is used to interface DC motor to 8051?

a)     ULN 2003

b)    L293D

c)     MAX232

d)    LM35


29. In common cathode 7-segment display, common terminal is connected to________.

a)     +VCC

b)    Ground

c)     +1V

d)    +5V


30. In LCD interfacing, if RS=0,___________ is selected

a)     LCD

b)    Command register

c)     Data register

d)    Read


31. __________ Pin is used by the LCD to latch information presented to its data pins.

a)     RS

b)    EN

c)     R/W

d)    VEE


32. Which driver IC is used to interface stepper motor to 8051?

a)     ULN 2003

b)    L293D

c)     MAX232

d)    None of above


33. Which is not feature of real time operating system?

a)     Task deadline is present

b)    Deterministic time response

c)     Stored in hard disc

d)    Used in specific application


34. Which is example of hard real time operating system?

a)     RADAR

b)    Set top box

c)     DVD player

d)    Washing machine


35. In RTOS i.e real time operating system, latency must be___________.

a)     Zero

b)    Minimum

c)     Large

d)    None of above


36. _____________ is a situation in multitasking where process is perpetually denied a necessary resources.

a)     Deadlock

b)    Starvation

c)     Scheduling

d)    Round robin


37. Deadlock occurs due to_______

a)     Circular wait

b)    Hold and wait

c)     No preemption

d)    All of above


38. Which is not scheduling algorithm?

a)     First in first out

b)    Round-robin

c)     Shortest job first

d)    Mutex


39. Which method is used for task synchronization?

a)     Semaphore

b)    Message queue

c)     Mailboxes

d)    All of above


40. In________________ scheduling algorithm, each process gets a small unit of CPU time and after this time has elapsed, the process is preempted and added to the end of the ready queue.

a)     Shortest Job first

b)    First in first out

c)     Round-robin

d)    Fixed priority pre-emptive




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