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5 Oct 2020

MCQ of 8051 microcontroller

1.      Microcomputer consists of __________
a)      Buses
b)      Microprocessor
c)      I/O devices
d)      All of above
2.      Buses in the microcomputer are used to______
a)      Convey information from source to destination and vice versa
b)      For turn ON and OFF microcomputer
c)      To convey address information only
d)      To convey data information only
3.      In microcontroller 8051, there are  ________address and _______ data buses
a)      8, 8
b)      16, 8
c)      8, 16
d)      16, 10
4.      In von-neumann  architecture, address and data memory is_____
a)      Separate
b)      Combined
c)      Not used
d)      Large
5.      There are total_____ pins in 8051 microcontroller IC
a)      20
b)      25
c)      60
d)      40
6.      8051 input and output ports (I/O ports) are _______bit wide
a)      1-bit
b)      2-bit
c)      4-bit
d)      8-bit
7.      8051 I/O ports can be used as input port by writing ______ and output port by writing ____onto it.
a)      01 H, 02 H
b)      00 H, FF H
c)      FF H, 00 H
d)      11 H, 00 H
8.      On-chip memory of microcontroller is
a)      128k RAM and 4k ROM
b)      256k ROM and 4k RAM
c)      Both a and b are correct
d)      None of above


9.      Full form of PCON register is_________________
a)      Power control register
b)      Power control network
c)      Power consumption register
d)      Peripheral control register


10.  To double the baud rate of serial communication ________bit of PCON need to set 1.
a)      GF0
b)      GF1
c)      PD
d)      SMOD


11.  Boolean processor ________
a)      Has its own instruction set
b)      Uses carry flag as an accumulator
c)      Used for bit manipulation instructions
d)      All of above
12.  Address range bit addressable memory is
a)      00H-1FH
b)      20H-2FH
c)      30H-7FH
d)      80H-FFH
13.  Carry flag in PSW sets when_______
a)      There is carry from bit D7
b)      There is carry from bit D3
c)      There is carry from bit D6
d)      There is carry from D0
14.  In 8051, there are __________ register banks. Each register bank consists of __________ registers. Each register of register bank is ________bit wide.
a)      1, 8, 8
b)      2, 4 ,6
c)      4, 8, 8
d)      4, 8, 16
15.  Addressing modes refers to
a)      The way in which opcodes are specified in the instruction
b)      The way in which operands are specified in the instruction
c)      The way in which SFR are specified in the instruction
d)      None of above
16.  In register indirect addressing mode, registers ____ and _____ are used as data pointer and can be preceded by ______ sign.
a)      R1 and R2, @
b)      R1 and R2, #
c)      R0 and R1, #
d)      R0 and R1, @
17.  What will be the Result of rotate instruction RR A, if accumulator contains 0001 10000
a)      0011 0000
b)     0000 1100
c)      0000 0011
d)     1100 0000
18.  The function of editor is to provide facility of
a)      Write and modify source codes
b)      List errors
c)      Converting source codes into machine codes
d)      None of above
19.  Assembler and compiler are used to convert __________ and _____________ into machine language codes respectively
a)      Low language codes and high level language codes
b)      High level language codes and Low language codes
c)      high level language codes and machine codes
d)      none of above
20.  ____________instruction is used to performs Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal.
a)      CJNE A, #data, rel
b)      CJNE Rn, #data, rel
c)      CJNE @ Ri, #data, rel
d)      CJNE A, data, rel
21.  _______ assembler directive is used to define constant without occupying a memory location.
a)      ORG
b)      DB
c)      EQU
d)      DATA
22.  Baud rate is the _____________
a)      Number of bytes send in one second
b)      Number of bits send in one second
c)      Number of bites send in one minute
d)      All of above
23.  The data to be transmitted and after receiving the data, it must be placed in ____________register
a)      SCON
b)      PCON
c)      SBUF
d)      TCON
24.  In serial communication mode 0, total ______ bits are sent at a time and baud rate is _______
a)      8-bits, 1/12 of oscillator frequency
b)      10-bits, 1/12 of oscillator frequency
c)      11-bits, 1/32 or 1/64 of oscillator frequency
d)      8-bit, variable
25.  In mode 2 of serial communication, upon reception of data,  9th bit goes into __________ bit of SCON
a)      TB8
b)      RB8
c)      TI
d)      RI
26.  In serial communication, to set the baud rate 4800, _______ need to write in timer register
a)      -3 or 0FD H
b)      -6 or 0FA H
c)      -12 or 0F4 H
d)      -24 or 0E8 H
27.  Timer registers TMOD and TCON refers to _________
a)      Timer mode and timer control registers
b)      Timer modulation and timer control register
c)      Timer modulation and timer confirm register
d)      None of above
28.  Interrupt is __________signal to 8051, which indicates an ___________ has occurred.
a)      Input, error
b)      Input, event
c)      Output, error
d)      Output, event
29.  Which 8051 interrupt has highest priority?
a)      INTO
b)      T0
c)      INT1
d)      TI+RI (serial interrupt)
30.  Vector location of timer 1 T1 interrupt is______
a)      03 H
b)      1B H
c)      00 H
d)      23 H
31.  EA bit in IE register, is used to_______________ when set to “1”
a)      Enable external access
b)      Allow individual  interrupt to enable or disable
c)      Enable timer 0 interrupt
d)      Enable serial interrupt
32.  Mode 1 of timer 0 is also called as
a)      13-bit timer
b)      16-bit timer
c)      8-bit auto reload
d)      Split timer mode
33.  TR1 bit in TCON register is ______
a)      Timer 1 overflow bit
b)      Timer 1 external interrupt edge flag
c)      Timer 1 run control bit
d)      None of above
34.  How many address line are required to interface 2k memory to 8051 microcontroller
a)      8
b)      9
c)      10
d)      11
35.  Pin used to interface external memory to 8051 microcontroller are_______
a)      ALE
b)      PSEN\
c)      EA\
d)      All of above
36.  In absolute decoding________________ address lines are used
a)      All address lines
b)      Few address lines
c)      Only one address line
d)      All of above
37.  8255 is widely used programmable parallel I/O device because_________
a)      It is flexible
b)      It is versatile
c)      It is economical
d)      All of above
38.  In 8255 PPI, there are _____________ input/output (I/O) pins
a)      21
b)      22
c)      23
d)      24
39.  Which is not operating mode of 8255?
a)      BSR (bit set reset) mode
b)      I/O mode
c)      8-bit auto reload mode
d)      None of above
40.  In 8255 control word, if bit D7 is set to “1”, it operates in ___________ mode.
a)      BSR mode
b)      I/O mode
c)      8-bit auto reload mode

d)      None of above

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