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10 Sept 2022

Full wave bridge rectifier on breadboard

    Rectifiers are the circuits that are used to convert AC to DC and are used in many applications like power supplies, chargers, laboratory equipments etc..  There are two types of full wave rectifier, center tapped rectifier and bridge rectifier. Center tapped full wave rectifier uses transformer with the center tapping. 

    Major problem of center tapped rectifier is transformer in which finding exact center tap is difficult task. Bridge rectifier eliminates this drawback by using normal transformer. Full wave bridge rectifier is the circuit which uses 4 diodes and which is used to convert Ac quantities into DC quantities. Out of 4 diodes, for first half cycle of AC waveform, two diodes are working i.e forward biased at a time where remaining two diodes are in reverse biased (OFF state). For the next half cycle of AC input, reverse biased diodes in first cycle becomes forward biased and forward biased becomes reverse biased. That means only two diodes conducts at a time. 

    For better understanding of circuit diagram and practical implementation of bridge rectifier on breadboard, I suggest you to please go through the video provided below.

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