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17 May 2021

Diode clippers: Circuit diagram, working and experiment in detail

Applications of diode: Clipper

Clippers are basically wave shaping circuits

Diode as a clipper circuit

The circuit which cut/remove the portion of waveform is called as clipper circuit. Diode can be used as clipper and clamper. Clipper is the circuit used to remove part of input waveform. If positive clipper is used, it removes positive part of waveform. Similarly if negative clipper is used, it removes negative part of waveform.

Types of clipper:

1.      Positive clipper

2.      Negative clipper

3.      Combinational clipper

Positive clipper: As name indicates, positive clipper is used clip/remove positive half cycle of applied input voltage. Half wave rectifier is also a clipper circuit. Figure below shows positive clipper circuit in which diode is used as clipper.

During positive half cycle of input voltage, the diode is reversed biased i.e. turns OFF and behaves like open which gives “0” output.

            During negative half cycle of input voltage, the diode is forward biased i.e. turns ON and behaves like short which is same as input i.e. negative half cycle


 Fig: Circuit diagram of Positive clipper using diode

 Fig: Input and output waveform of Positive clipper using diode


Negative clipper: As name indicates, negative clipper is used clip/remove negative half cycle of applied input voltage. Half wave rectifier is also a clipper circuit. Figure below shows negative clipper circuit in which diode is used as clipper.

During positive half cycle of input voltage, the diode is forward biased i.e. turns ON and behaves like short which gives output same as input i.e. positive half cycle.

            During negative half cycle of input voltage, the diode is reverse biased i.e. turns OFF and behaves like open which gives “0” output.


                        Fig: Circuit diagram of Negative clipper using diode 


Fig: Input and output waveforms of Negative clipper using diode


Combinational clipper is combination of both positive and negative clipper.


Applications of clipper:

1.      For changing the shape of wave form i.e. wave shaping circuit

2.      Circuit transient protection

3.      RADAR

4.      Digital electronic systems.

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