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4 Dec 2020

Chapter2- High power amplifier MCQ questions with answer

 -------------------- coupling is used in power amplifiers

a)      Transformer

b)      Resistor-capacitor

c)       Direct coupling

d)      All of above


There is high signal distortion in power amplifier.

a)      True

b)      False


Driver stage of power amplifier consists of --------------

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)       Class-C power amplifier

d)      Class-AB power amplifier


The location of Q-point is---------------------- in case of class-AB power amplifier

a)      On the centre of load line

b)      On x axis

c)       Just below x axis

d)      Just above x axis


--------------------power amplifier has highest efficiency among all types of power amplifiers.

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)       Class-C power amplifier

d)      Class-AB power amplifier


--------------------power amplifier has less or no cross over distortion among all types of power amplifiers.

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)       Class-C power amplifier

d)      Class-AB power amplifier


Class-AB power amplifiers are used in----------------------application.

a)      Outdoor musical system

b)      Audio power amplifiers

c)       RF amplifier

d)      All of above


Cross over distortion can be removed or avoided if the conduction of the transistor is more than---------------, due to which both the transistors will not be turned OFF at the same time.

a)      one half cycles

b)      one full cycle

c)       less than half cycle

d)      none of above


_________is the range over which the output of circuit is satisfactory

a)       gain

b)       efficiency

c)        bandwidth

d)       none of above


Value of collector resistor in power amplifier is generally ___________Ω

a)      4k Ω to 10K Ω

b)      4 Ω to 10 Ω

c)       5 Ω to 20 Ω

d)      5kv to 20K Ω


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