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29 May 2020

How to increase the admissions of school and colleges after covid-19 pandemic | 15 ways to increase admissions

After covid-19 corona pandemic, it is hot topic for the schools and colleges to get admissions. Here are some suggestions and 15 ways to increase admissions in your school and / or college from my side. I hope you will find it useful.

1)  Starting of short term courses that are related to current running courses and having scope

        it helps the beneficiaries of short term courses to get instant employment and they also make the publicity of that short term course and college that running these courses. These kind of promotions also leads to more admissions in college and schools.

2)     Donations to needful organizations.

       so that your school/college can be recognized as responsible one in the societal needs. These kind of donations are really needful as after lock-down due to covid-19, most of the trusts and organizations are running out of money.

3)    Use of social media effectively for advertisement.

        As all of you are well aware about this point, i think it is not necessary to explain. The only word i can say is "responsibly". 

4)    Focused advertisement of college achievements and future plans.


5)    Early approach to recruiters for student recruitment.

        It is must to ensure admission seekers and present students of your college about their career. Approach to recruiters early and prepare the executive plan regarding the students recruitment.

6)    Involve the students in different seminars conducted by college in different schools.

        No one can beat this. Students are really source of energy and they can be happy to promote their favorite college.

7)    Creating community of admitted students in the form of forum which might be helpful to admission seekers.

8)    Conducting survey of society and industries regarding problems they are facing. Giving task to staff and students to solve it.

        providing contentious services is the key term in admissions if you are associated with technical subjects.

10)    Giving students the working projects as a part of final year projects.

     11)    Keeping other than curriculum books in the library.

12)    Improve involvement in social activities like road show, awareness programs.

13)    Creating soft skill improvement programs for college students as well as for         society.

 14)  Write articles related to the scope of subject and branch

15) Work actively or participate in the activities suggested above.

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