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28 Mar 2020

Basic Electronics: Electronic components and signals

In the field of electronics and electrical engineering, the term component refers to the individual piece made up of semiconductor material. Number of components are used to create circuit i.e circuit is made up of  more than one components. These components are broadly categorized as Active and Passive components

Active components:  The components that requires external energy source for their operation are called as active components. OR The components that processes on given input signal are called as active components. OR The components that introduces gain in the circuit are called as active components.
Examples of Active components are diode, SCR, transistor etc.

Passive components:  The components that does not requires external energy source for their operation are called as passive components. OR The components that does not processes on given input signal are called as passive components. OR The components that does not introduces gain in the circuit are called as passive components.
Examples of passive components are resistor, capacitor, inductor etc.

Hi there, as per the MSBTE curriculum of computer engineering CO 2I for course Basic electronics - 22225, i tried to prepared online questions of chapter 1 Electronic Components and Signals and the contents are as follows Active and passive components, Resistor, capacitor, inductor, symbols, working principles, applications, color codes, specifications. Voltage and Current Source Signal waveform, Time and frequency domain representation, Amplitude, Frequency, Phase, Wavelength Types of Signals: sinusoidal, triangular and square. integrated circuits click on below link to start the test. I hope you will enjoy this.


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