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2 Nov 2023

Embedded Systems important questions


Embedded Systems important questions


Subject:- ESY-22532 Chapter Wise Question as per MSBTE previous papers



Topic 1: Introduction To The Embedded System


         Winter 19

Q1.    a)List out four types of embedded systems.

b) State four advantages of embedded system.

Q2.    a) Compare features of PIC and AVR microcontrollers (any four)

b) Explain the need to consider following factors in design matrix of embedded system: (i) Processor (iii) Power (ii) Memory (iv) Non - recurring engineering cost.

Q6.    a) Compare : (i) RISC with CISC processor (ii) Harward with Von Neuman architecture


         Summer 22

Q1.    a) Classify embedded system.

b) Define RISC and CISC.

c) Draw the format of TMOD register.

Q2.    a) Compare Harvard and Von-Neumann architecture

b) State features of 89C51 microcontroller

Q6.    a) Draw the block diagram of embedded system and explain with hardware           component.


         Winter 22

Q1.    a) List any four application’s of Embedded system.

b) State any two characteristics of embedded systems

c) Sketch and label the block diagram of embedded system.

Q2.    a) Compare RISC and CISC processor’s

b) Compare features of PIC and ARM microcontrollers (four points).


Topic 2: Programming  using Embedded C



         Winter 19

Q1.    a) Illustrate any two logical operators used in C with their examples.

b) Develop a ‘C’ program to transfer the data from port P0 to port Pl.

Q2.    a) Write a C language program to operate port 0 and port 2 as output port and port 1 and port 3 as input port.

Q3.    a) Write a ‘C’ language program to mask the upper four bits of the data given in port 0 and write the answer in port 1.

Q4.    a) Write ‘C’ program to generate delay of 50msec for microcontroller 89C51 with crystal frequency of 11.0592 MHz

Q5.    a)Write a ‘C’ language program for 89C51 to generate triangular waveform.

b) Write a ‘C’ language program for serial communication to transfer letter ‘M’ serially at 9600 baud continuously.


         Summer 22

Q1.    a) State any two data types used in C with their range.

Q2.    a) Write 89C51 C program to mask the lower 4 bits of P2 and upper 4 bits of P0. using logical operator.

Q3.    a) Write 89C51 C program for multiplication of two 8 bit numbers.

Q4.    a) Write C program to send character ‘ESY’ serially at 9600 baud rate continuously. Assume crystal frequency 11.0592 MHz

Q5.    a) Write a C program to toggle all bits of port 1 continuously with 60 ms delay in between. Use timer 0 in mode 1 to generate the delay. The XTAL frequency is 11.0592 MHz


         Winter 22

Q1.    a) List any four software development tools used in an embedded system

Q2.    a) Write 89C51 C program to toggle all the bit’s of P0, P1 and P2 continuously with a zooms delay using the sfr keyword to declare the port address.

Q3.    a) If the content of ACC = 0 × 04 and P1 = 0 × F3. State the result after execution of the following statement independently.

i) Result = ACC and P1

ii) Result = ACC | P1

iii) Result = ACC l P1

iv) Result = P1

Q4.    a) Write a 89C51 C program to generate continuous square wave of 2 KHz on P1.5 using mode 1 of timer 0. The XTAL frequency is 11.0592 MHz.

b) Compare assembly language and embedded C program with respect to :–

i) Execution time

ii) Time for coding

iii) Hex file size

iv) Debugging

Q5.    a)Write a 89C51 C program to transfer the message “Exam” serially at baud rate 4800, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit.





Topic 3: Communication standards and protocols



·        Winter 19

Q1.    a) State the use of MAX 232 in communication

Q2.    a) Compare synchronous and asynchronous communication. (any four points)

Q3.    a) Explain the process of handshaking in RS232 standard based communication.

Q4.    a) List out eight features of USB.

b) Explain ‘CAN’ bus protocol and list out it’s two applications.


         Summer 22

Q1.    a) State any two features of IrDA

Q2.    a) Draw and explain CAN bus with frame format.

Q3.    a) Draw the pin out of RS 232 and describe function of TXD, RXD, DTE and DCE pins.

Q4.    a) State any four features of zigbee.

b) Draw and explain USB protocol.


         Winter 22

Q1.    a) State any four application’s of bluetooth.

Q2.    a) Compare between CAN and I2C protocols on following points:

i) Data transfer rate

ii) Number of fields

iii) Ad.dressing bit.

iv) Application

Q3.    a) Sketch and label the pinout of RS232 and describe the function of DCE and DTE pins.

Q4.    a) State any four features of Bluetooth Technology

Q5.    a) Draw CAN message format and explain it. State any two application’s of CAN BUS.



Topic 4: Interfacing Input  and Output devices



         Winter 19

Q1.    a) Sketch pin-out diagram of LM35 and label it’s pin.

Q3.    a) Sketch circuit diagram showing interfacing of one 7 -segment display to 89C51. Write a ‘C’ program to display ‘F’ and ‘Fi’ alternately

Q4.    a) Draw the interfacing diagram of ADC with 89C51 and state the function of SOC, EOC and OE pins.

b) Sketch interfacing diagram to interface LCD display with 89C51.

Q6.    a) Explain with sketch interfacing of stepper motor with 89C51. Write ‘C’ language program to rotate the motor clockwise


         Summer 22

Q1.    a) List various temperature sensors used in industry.

Q3.    a) Draw labelled diagram to interface 16 × 2 LCD with 89C51. State function of pins

i) RS

ii) RIW

iii) EN

Q5.    a) Draw the interfacing diagram for temperature measurement using LM35, ADC 0808 with microcontroller 89C51.

Q6.    a) Draw interfacing diagram of DAC to 89C51 and write a ‘C’ language program to generate sawtooth wave


         Winter 22

Q1.    a) State the functions of following pins of LCD.

i) RS

ii) R/W

Q2.    a) Write 89C51 C program to rotate stepper motor by 90° Degree clockwise. Assume step angle is 1.8° degree and four step sequence.

Q4.    a) Draw an interfacing diagram of DAC to 89C51 and write a C language program to generate square wave using DAC.


Q5. a) Write a 89C51 C program to display “WELCOME” on 16 × 2 LCD  


Q6. a) Write a 89C51 C program for 4 × 4 keyboard matrix.

b) Draw the interfacing diagram of seven segment LED display to 89C51 and write a 89C51 C program to display 0.9 continuously



Topic 5: Real Time Operating Systems


         Winter 19

Q1.    A) State two examples of RTOS.

Q3.    A) Explain the term ‘Deadlock’. State reason of occurance

Q5.    a) Explain resource allocation and interrupt handling function of RTOS

Q6.    a) Explain resource allocation and interrupt handling function of RTOS

         Summer 22

Q1.    a) Define Reliability, Scalability related to RTOS

Q3.    a) Differentiate between general purpose operating system (GPOS) and real time operating system (RTOS).

Q5.    a) Explain watchdog timer and semaphore in detail

Q6.    a) Explain pre-emptive and round robin scheduling algorithm in RTOS


         Winter 22

Q1.    a) List any four function’s of RTOS.

Q3.    a) Explain the concept of Deadlock with suitable schematic.

d) Compare general purpose operating system and RTOS (four points).

Q6.    a) List any four characteristics of RTOS and explain the following functions of RTOS in brief : i) Scalability ii) Task management

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