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19 Mar 2022

Logical instruction set of 8051 Microcontroller

 Logical instruction set
ANL RD,RS ; This instruction is used to AND the contents of source register with destination register

ANL A,R0 ; This instruction is used to AND the contents of register R0 with Accumulator (register add. mode)
ANL A,30H ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of Memory location 30 with Acc. (direct add. mode)
ANL A,@R0 ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of MEM. LOC. pointed by R0 with Acc. (indirect)
ANL A,#12H ;This instruction is used to AND the 12h with contents of Acc. (Immediate add. mode)
ANL R0,A ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of R0 with contents of Acc. (register add. mode)
ANL R1,A ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of R1 with contents of Acc. (register add. mode)
ANL R2,A ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of R2 with contents of Acc. (register add. mode)
ANL A,R0 ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of Acc. with R0 (register add. mode)
ANL A,R1 ;This instruction is used to AND contents of Acc. with R1 (register add. mode)
ANL A,R2 ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of Acc. with R2(Iregister add. mode)
ANL A,R7 ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of Acc. with R7(register add. mode)
ANL A,30-7FH ;This instruction is used to AND the contents of Acc. with memory location specified(Direct add. mode)

ORL RD,RS ; This instruction is used to OR the contents of source register with destination register
ORL A,R0 ; This instruction is used to OR the contents of register R0 with Acc.
ORL A,30h ; This instruction is used to OR the contents of memory loc. 30h with Acc.
ORL A,@R0 ;This instruction is used to OR the contents of MEM. LOC. pointed by R0 with Acc. (indirect)
ORL A,#12H ;This instruction is used to OR the 12h with contents of Acc. (Immediate add. mode)

XRL RD,RS ; This instruction is used to XOR the contents of source register with destination register
XRL A,R0 ; This instruction is used to XOR the contents of register R0 with Acc.
XRL A,30h ; This instruction is used to XOR the contents of memory loc. 30h with Acc.
XRL A,@R0 ;This instruction is used to XOR the contents of MEM. LOC. pointed by R0 with Acc. (indirect)
XRL A,#12H ;This instruction is used to XOR the 12h with contents of Acc. (Immediate add. mode)
CPL A ;This instruction is used to complement the contents of accumulator
A= 0101 0110 =56
A= 1010 1001 =A9 
CLR A ;This instruction is used to clear the contents of Accumulator

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