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4 Dec 2020

Chapter4- Waveform generators MCQ questions with answers

 Generally oscillators are also called as ______________

a)      AC to DC converters

b)      DC to AC converters

c)       Current to voltage converters

d)      Voltage to current converters


Oscillators need external input signal.

a)      True

b)      False


In RC phase shift oscillator, transistor provides phase shift of ________degree and each RC network provides phase shift of_________ degree.

a)      180, 180

b)      180, 90

c)       60, 180

d)      180,60


According to the barkhausen’s criteria to get sustained oscillations, product of open loop gain Av and feedback factor β should be________

a)      0

b)      180

c)       360

d)      1


Output frequency of oscillator circuit is _____________

a)      Damped

b)      Increasing

c)       Decreasing

d)      Constant


In any LC oscillator (Hartley or colpitts), frequency of oscillation is___________ L or C.

a)      Inversely proportional to square root of

b)      Directly proportional to square root of

c)       Independent of

d)      None of above


_______ feedback is used in oscillator and total phase shift in the circuit is _______ degree.

a)      Positive, 180

b)      Positive, 90

c)       Positive, 0

d)      Negative, 0


In RC phase shift oscillator, frequency is depend upon value of ____________

a)      Crystal

b)      Inductor and capacitor

c)       Resistor and capacitor

d)      All of above


In miller sweep generator, two transistors Q1 and Q2 are used. The function of Q1 is _____ and Q2 is __________

a)      Switch and high gain amplifier

b)      Switch and oscillator

c)       Oscillator and switch

d)      Open switch and closed switch


The linearity of sweep voltage generated by bootstrap circuit is __________ as compared to Miller integrator

a)     Better

b)     Equal

c)     Poor

d)     Very higher

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