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28 Nov 2020

BEL:22216 Chapter4: Field effect transistor- MCQ Questions with answers


Source and drain terminals of JFET are interchangeable

a)      True

b)      False


Which material is used to isolate/separate gate from bar in MOSFET?

a)      FeCl3

b)      SiO2

c)       GaAsP

d)      GaP


Regions of output characteristic of JFET are

a)      active, cut off and saturation

b)      active, cut off and Q-point

c)       cut off, active and ohmic

d)      Not listed above


The full form of MOSFET is

a)      metal operated semiconductor filed effect transistor

b)      metal oxide super filed effect transistor

c)       metal oxide semiconductor filed effect transistor

d)      mix oxide semiconductor field effect transistor


Due to capacitor effect, opposite charges of gate voltage get accumulated in bar in MOSFET

a)      False

b)      True


In FET, the voltage at which depletion layer touches each other and completely block drain current is called as_______________

a)      Peak inverse voltage

b)      Pinch off voltage

c)       Breakdown voltage

d)      Drain to source voltage


To control drain current flowing through channel of FET, gate to source voltage (Vds) is must be connected in___________

a)      reverse

b)      forward

c)       None of above

d)      All of above


____________is the ratio of change of drain to source voltage to the change of drain current at a constant gate to source voltage.

a)      DC drain resistance

b)      AC drain resistance

c)       Transconductance

d)      Amplification factor


In FET, the term field means?

a)      Area

b)      Current

c)       Voltage

d)      None of above


Output characteristic of JFET is the curve plotted between________________

a)      Drain current vs Drain to source voltage

b)      Drain current vs Gate to source voltage

c)       Collector current vs Collector to emitter voltage

d)      Base current vs Drain to source voltage


The advantages of JFET over BJT is

a)      High switching speed

b)      Small in size

c)       Low noise

d)      All of above


Which one is not application of JFET

a)      Amplifier

b)      Variable resistor

c)       Switch

d)      Rectifier


____________is the ratio of drain to source voltage to the drain current at a constant gate to source voltage.

a)      DC drain resistance

b)      AC drain resistance

c)       Transconductance

d)      Amplification factor


Types of JFET are

a)      PNP & NPN

b)      Depletion and Enhancement

c)       P-channel and N-channel

d)      All of above


FET is _______________ controlled device

a)      voltage

b)      current

c)       heat

d)      capacitor


_____________is the ratio of change in drain current to change in the gate to source voltage at a constant drain to source voltage.

a)      Amplification factor

b)      Shorted drain to source current (IDSS)

c)       Tansconductance

d)      Pinch off voltage


What is full form of JFET?

a)      Joint Field element transistor

b)      Junction Filament effect transistor

c)       Junction Field element transistor

d)      Junction Field Effect Transistor


Which is not the type of MOSFET

a)      Enhancement

b)      Depletion

c)       Regulated

d)      Linear


If reverse bias on the gate terminal of a JFET is increased then width of the conducting channel________

a)      remains constant

b)      increases

c)       decreases

d)      All of above


Which is not the terminal of JFET

a)      Gate

b)      Base

c)       Drain

d)      Source


In cut off region, the value of gate to source voltage and Drain current is

a)      Maximum and minimum

b)      Maximum and maximum

c)       Minimum and maximum

d)      None of above


JFET is_____________device

a)      Bipolar

b)      Unipolar

c)       Unijuncion

d)      None of above


Gate of MOSFET is isolated from channel.

a)      True

b)      False


The term transconductance in JFET depends on

a)      Drain current

b)      Gate to source voltage

c)       Source current

d)      Drain to source voltage

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