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24 Nov 2020

BEL-22216 Chapter1: Semiconductor Diode MCQ questions with answer


To form N type semiconductor,  ______________ impurities are added to pure semiconductor.

a)      Trivalent

b)      Pentavalent

c)        Acceptor

d)      None of above


Separation between conduction band and valance band is called as____________

a)      Forbidden gap

b)      Fermi level

c)       Diffusion

d)      None of above


Cut in voltage value of diode for germanium is __________and silicon is ___________ respectively.

a)      0.7V and 0.3V

b)      0.3V and 0.7V

c)       1V and 2V

d)      0.1V and 0.3V


Semiconductors in the impure form are called as____________

a)      Inductors

b)      Intrinsic semiconductors

c)       Extrinsic semiconductors

d)      None of above


To emit blue light out of LED (light emitting diode) _____________ semiconductor material is used.

a)      Gallium arsenide (GaAs)

b)      Gallium arsenide phospide (GaAsP)

c)       Gallium nitrite Ga(NO2)3

d)      Gallium phospide (GaP)


Zener diode in forward bias is used as_______________________

a)       Voltage regulator

b)       As ordinary PN junction diode

c)       Amplifier

d)       None of above


Identify the symbol


a)      Zener diode

b)      PN junction diode

c)       Photo diode

d)      Light emitting diode


PN junction diode has no sharp reverse breakdown.

a)      True

b)      False


To reverse bias the PN junction diode, positive terminal of power supply is connected to ________ of diode.

a)      Anode

b)      Cathode

c)       Junction

d)      None of above


In forward bias, PN junction diode can be used as___________

a)      Rectifier

b)      Closed switch

c)       Both of above

d)      None of above


In PN junction diode, doping level is high as compared to zener diode.

a)      True

b)      False


Zener diode can be used in application_____________

a)      Voltage stabilizer

b)      Motor protection

c)       Wave shaping

d)      All of above


A pn junction diode, which emits light when forward biased, is called as __________

a)      Tunnel diode

b)      Crystal diode

c)      Schottky diode

d)     Light emitting diode


The point at which diode forward voltage starts to increase sharply is called as____________

a)      Depletion layer

b)      Barrier potential

c)       Knee voltage

d)      None of above

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