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1 Dec 2020

BEC-22225 MCQ questions with answers


Active components

a)      Introduces gain in circuit

b)      Requires external power supply

c)       Processes on given signal

d)      All of above


Examples of passive component

a)      Resistor, capacitor, inductor

b)      Diode, SCR, Transistor


Unit of resistor, capacitor and inductor

a)      Farad, Henry, Ohm

b)      Henry, Ohm, Farad

c)       Ohm, Henry, Farad

d)      Ohm, Farad, Henry


Correct sequence of colors for resistor color coding is






What will be the value of resistor having color codes Yellow, Violet, Yellow, silver

a)      0.47 µF ±5%

b)     0.47µF ±10%

c)      4.7 µF ±5%

d)      47µF ±10%


 Value of resistor in ideal voltage and current source is?

a)      0 and infinite

b)      infinite and 0

Multiplier of blue color in resistor color coding is __________

a)      0

b)      10^1

c)       10^5

d)      10^6


In resistor color coding, tolerance of silver is________

a)      ±5%

b)      ±10%

c)       ±20%

d)      ±15


Voltage source can be converted in current source.

a)      True

b)      False


Maximum value or height of signal waveform is called as ___________ and measured in _______

a)      Frequency and Hz

b)      wavelength and Volts or amp

c)       amplitude and meter

d)      amplitude and volts or amp


_________ is the distance between two similar points on two back to back waves.

a)      Amplitude

b)      Wavelength

c)       Frequency

d)      Phase


 Material used for fabrication of ICs are generally_________

a)      Silicon

b)      silver

c)       Copper

d)      Germanium


_________ are difficult to be fabricated on an IC

a)      FET

b)      Inductors

c)       Resistors

d)      Diodes


ICs are used in________

a)      Linear devices only

b)      Digital devices only

c)       Both A & B

d)      None of the above


Digital ICs can process_______

a)      only linear signals

b)      only Digital signals

c)       Both A & B

d)      None of the above


Rectifier is used to convert ______ to ________

a)      DC quantity to AC quantity

b)      Voltage to current

c)       Current to voltage

d)      AC quantity to DC quantity


Ripple factor is ____________ components in the output of rectifier

a)      Very useful

b)      Unwanted

c)       Essential

d)      None of above


Filters are used to remove ___________ from rectifier output

a)      DC components

b)      AC components

c)       Both A & B

d)      None of above


Capacitor filter is used to pass___________ and block__________.

a)      AC and DC

b)      DC and AC

c)       Voltage and current

d)      Current and voltage


The output of rectifier is

a)      Pure AC

b)      Pure DC

c)       Impure DC

d)      None of above


In full wave bridge rectifier, ________ diodes are used

a)      One

b)      Two

c)       Four

d)      six


Efficiency of half wave rectifier is __________ %

a)      45 %

b)      50 %

c)       40.6 %

d)      41.2 %


Inductor filter is connected in ____________ when used as filter in rectifier circuit.

a)      Series

b)      Parallel

c)       Reverse

d)      None of above


Peak inverse voltage (PIV) of full wave bridge rectifier is _______.

a)      2Vm

b)      Vm

c)       0.5Vm

d)      1.11


Rectifier circuits are used in

a)      Voltage regulators

b)      Power supplies

c)       Both A & B

d)      None of above


Major disadvantage of center tapped full wave rectifier is

a)      It is more noisy

b)      Exact Center tapping of transformer

c)       Less efficiency

d)      Less output frequency


The types of filter used in rectifier circuits are

a)      C filter

b)      L filter

c)       CLC filter

d)      All of above


Diode clipper is the circuit used to_________

a)      Shift the position of input waveform

b)      Remove the portion of input waveform

c)       Shift the position of output waveform

d)      Remove the portion of output waveform


Diode clamper circuit is used to__________

a)      Shift the position of input waveform

b)      Remove the portion of input waveform

c)       Shift the position of output waveform

d)      Remove the portion of output waveform


To emit blue light out of LED (light emitting diode) _____________ semiconductor material is used.

a)      Gallium arsenide (GaAs)

b)      Gallium arsenide phospide (GaAsP)

c)       Gallium nitrite Ga(NO2)3

d)      Gallium phospide (GaP)


Zener diode in forward bias is used as_______________________

a)       Voltage regulator

b)       As ordinary PN junction diode

c)       Amplifier

d)       None of above


PN junction diode has sharp reverse breakdown.

a)      True

b)     False


To reverse bias the PN junction diode, positive terminal of power supply is connected to ________ of diode.

a)      Anode

b)      Cathode

c)       Junction

d)      None of above


In forward bias, PN junction diode can be used as___________

a)      Rectifier

b)      Closed switch

c)       Both of above

d)      None of above


In PN junction diode, doping level is high as compared to zener diode.

a)      True

b)      False


Zener diode can be used in application_____________

a)      Voltage stabilizer

b)      Motor protection

c)       Wave shaping

d)      All of above


A pn junction diode, which emits light when forward biased, is called as __________

a)      Tunnel diode

b)      Crystal diode

c)      Schottky diode

d)     Light emitting diode


The point at which diode forward voltage starts to increase sharply is called as____________

a)      Depletion layer

b)      Barrier potential

c)       Knee voltage

d)      None of above


Voltage regulators are used to _________

a)      Maintain constant input voltage

b)      Maintain constant output voltage

c)       Increase input voltage

d)      Increase output voltage


Voltage requires______________ for proper operation

a)      Line regulation only

b)      Constant load only

c)       Load and line regulation

d)      Load regulation only


Output of voltage regulator varies with the variation in input voltage.

a)      True

b)      False


A power supply having voltage regulation of __________ is unregulated power supply

a)      2 %

b)      5 %

c)       6 %

d)      10%


The term transistor refers to__________.


a)      Transfer Resistor

b)      Transformer

c)       Transfer Amplifier

d)      None of above


Transistor is _________

a)      Unipolar component

b)      Bipolar component

c)       Passive component

d)      None of above


Types of transistors are

a)      PNP & NNP

b)      N-channel

c)       NPN & PNP

d)      P-channel


In the symbol of transistor arrow is placed on _______ terminal.

a)      Drain

b)      Source

c)       Base

d)      Emitter


In the symbol of transistor arrow head indicates

a)      P to N direction

b)      Direction of ground terminal

c)       Base terminal

d)      Direction of voltage


In which region transistor acts as open switch?

a)      Active region

b)      Ohmic region

c)       Saturation region

d)      None of above


In bipolar devices, current conduction is due to

a)      One type of polarity

b)      Majority charge carriers

c)       Minority charge carriers

d)      Both polarities


Transistor is __________ controlled device

a)      Voltage

b)      Current

c)       Amplitude

d)      all of above


Which not type of transistor configurations?

a)      Common Emitter

b)      Common Base

c)       Common source

d)      Common collector


Transistor works as amplifier in

a)      active region

b)      cut off region

c)       saturation region

d)      all of above


Location of Q point for amplifier application is

a)      in the cut off region (on x-axis)

b)      in saturation region (on y-axis)

c)       in active region (center of DC load line)

d)      all of above


In transistor, DC load line refers to

a)      No signal value of IC and VCE

b)      Line drawn on transistor characteristic under zero signal condition

c)       Both of above

d)      None of above


Alpha is the current gain of transistor in ____________ configuration.

a)      common collector

b)      common base

c)       common emitter

d)      none of above


Alpha (current gain of transistor) is defined as

a)      ratio of collector current to emitter current

b)      ratio of collector current to base current

c)       ratio of change in collector current to change in emitter current

d)      ratio of emitter current to base current


Beta is the current gain in _______________ configuration.

a)      common emitter

b)      common collector

c)       common base

d)      none of above


Transistor amplifier is used to________

a)      increase the strength of weak AC signals

b)      convert AC to DC

c)       generate signals of particular frequency

d)      increase the strength of weak DC signals


Thermal runway is

a)      related to rectifier circuit regarding ripple factor

b)      related to transistor which is self destruction of stabilized transistor


Need of transistor biasing is__________

a)      for faithful operation of transistor

b)      use transistor for different application

c)       Both of above

d)      None of above


In RC coupled amplifier, R1 & R2 resistors are used for_______

a)      voltage divider biasing

b)      stabilizing the transistor

c)       oppose the flow of AC current

d)      Pass AC and block DC


In RC coupled amplifier_________________ is used for stabilization

a)      Collector resistor (Rc)

b)      Coupling capacitor (Cc)

c)       Emitter resistor (Re)

d)      Input capacitor (Ci)


Source and drain terminals of JFET are interchangeable

a)      True

b)      False


Which material is used to isolate/separate gate from bar in MOSFET?

a)      FeCl3

b)      SiO2

c)       GaAsP

d)      GaP


Regions of output characteristic of JFET are

a)      active, cut off and saturation

b)      active, cut off and Q-point

c)       cut off, active and ohmic

d)      Not listed above


The full form of MOSFET is

a)      metal operated semiconductor filed effect transistor

b)      metal oxide super filed effect transistor

c)       metal oxide semiconductor filed effect transistor

d)      mix oxide semiconductor field effect transistor


Due to capacitor effect, opposite charges of gate voltage get accumulated in bar in MOSFET

a)      False

b)      True


In FET, the voltage at which depletion layer touches each other and completely block drain current is called as_______________

a)      Peak inverse voltage

b)      Pinch off voltage

c)       Breakdown voltage

d)      Drain to source voltage


To control drain current flowing through channel of FET, gate to source voltage (Vds) is must be connected in___________

a)      reverse

b)      forward

c)       None of above

d)      All of above


____________is the ratio of change of drain to source voltage to the change of drain current at a constant gate to source voltage.

a)      DC drain resistance

b)      AC drain resistance

c)       Transconductance

d)      Amplification factor


In FET, the term field means?

a)      Area

b)      Current

c)       Voltage

d)      None of above


Output characteristic of JFET is the curve plotted between________________

a)      Drain current vs Drain to source voltage

b)      Drain current vs Gate to source voltage

c)       Collector current vs Collector to emitter voltage

d)      Base current vs Drain to source voltage


The advantages of JFET over BJT is

a)      High switching speed

b)      Small in size

c)       Low noise

d)      All of above


Which one is not application of JFET

a)      Amplifier

b)      Variable resistor

c)       Switch

d)      Rectifier


____________is the ratio of drain to source voltage to the drain current at a constant gate to source voltage.

a)      DC drain resistance

b)      AC drain resistance

c)       Transconductance

d)      Amplification factor


Types of JFET are

a)      PNP & NPN

b)      Depletion and Enhancement

c)       P-channel and N-channel

d)      All of above


FET is _______________ controlled device

a)      voltage

b)      current

c)       heat

d)      capacitor


_____________is the ratio of change in drain current to change in the gate to source voltage at a constant drain to source voltage.

a)      Amplification factor

b)      Shorted drain to source current (IDSS)

c)       Tansconductance

d)      Pinch off voltage


What is full form of JFET?

a)      Joint Field element transistor

b)      Junction Filament effect transistor

c)       Junction Field element transistor

d)      Junction Field Effect Transistor


Which is not the type of MOSFET

a)      Enhancement

b)      Depletion

c)       Regulated

d)      Linear


If reverse bias on the gate terminal of a JFET is increased then width of the conducting channel________

a)      remains constant

b)      increases

c)       decreases

d)      All of above


Which is not the terminal of JFET

a)      Gate

b)      Base

c)       Drain

d)      Source


In cut off region, the value of gate to source voltage and Drain current is

a)      Maximum and minimum

b)      Maximum and maximum

c)       Minimum and maximum

d)      None of above


JFET is_____________device

a)      Bipolar

b)      Unipolar

c)       Unijuncion

d)      None of above


Gate of MOSFET is isolated from channel.

a)      True

b)      False


The term transconductance in JFET depends on

a)      Drain current

b)      Gate to source voltage

c)       Source current

d)      Drain to source voltage


___________ are the types of transducers that work on energy conversion principle and does not require external energy sources for their operation

a)      Thermocouple transducers

b)      Active transducers

c)       Passive transducers

d)      None of above


The main function of sensor is to _________ the environment around it

a)     Convert

b)    Sense

c)      Heat

d)     Cool


LVDT is __________ type of transducer

a)      Passive

b)      Analog

c)       Both A & B

d)      Digital


__________type of transducers works on energy controlling principle and does requires external energy sources for their operation.

a)      Thermocouple transducers

b)      Active transducers

c)       Passive transducers

d)      None of above


When two dissimilar metals are connected in closed loop and if current forced to flow through the closed loop then one junction will be heated and other will become cool. This effect is called as____________

a)      Seebeck effect

b)      Heating effect

c)      Cooling effect

d)     Peltier effect


When mechanical force is applied to ____________ material, it will converted into electrical energy and vice versa.

a)      Crystalline material

b)      Semiconductor

c)       Insulator

d)      Conductor


____________ sensor is used to detect the presence of an object through change in the current in

its coil and to measure the small changes in displacement/ movement through changes in current.


a)      Thermocouple sensor

b)      Photo detector sensor

c)       Resistive sensor

d)      Proximity sensor


______ converts the light energy into current or voltage in reverse bias condition.


a)      Thermocouple sensor

b)      Photo detector sensor

c)       Resistive sensor

d)      Proximity sensor



Which of the following is not a characteristic of ideal transducer?

a)      High dynamic range

b)      Low linearity

c)       High repeatability

d)      Low noise


The difference between the measured value and the true value is called

a)      Relative error

b)      Absolute error

c)       Probable error

d)      Gross error


__________ error is the ratio of absolute error to the true value of quantity to be measured

a)      Relative error

b)      Absolute error

c)       Probable error

d)      Gross error


Accuracy of transducer is determined by _____

a)      Half scale deflection

b)      Full scale deflection

c)       ¼ of full scale deflection

d)      All of above


Capacitive transducers are used for__________ measurement

a)      Static

b)      Transient

c)       Dynamic

d)      Both static and dynamic


What is the relation between scale factor and sensitivity of a transducer?

a)      Scale factor is double of sensitivity

b)      Scale factor is inverse of sensitivity

c)       Sensitivity is inverse of scale factor

d)      Sensitivity is equal to scale factor


Resistive transducers are ______________

a)      Primary transducers

b)      Secondary transducers

c)       Either primary or secondary

d)      Both primary or secondary


Which of the following represents application of inductive transducers?

a)      Displacement measurement

b)      Thickness measurement

c)       Both displacement and thickness measurement

d)      None of above


Change in output of sensor with change in input is ____________

a)      Threshold

b)      Slew rate

c)       Sensitivity

d)      None of the mentioned


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