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12 Nov 2020

#AppliedElectronics MCQ test


------------------ circuit is used to provide strength to weak signals

a)      Oscillator

b)      Voltage regulator

c)      Amplifier

d)     Integrator

The function of resistor RE in single stage CE amplifier is ------------------

a)      To provide biasing

b)     To provide stabilization to transistor

c)      Block ac and pass dc

d)     Block dc and pass ac

In voltage amplifiers, voltage gain Av is the ratio of------------------

a)      Output voltage to input voltage

b)      Output current to input current

c)      Output voltage to input current

d)     Input voltage to output voltage

In multistage amplifiers, output of one stage is connected to next stage by using ------------------

a)      Coupling devices

b)      Transistors

c)      Capacitors

d)     Resistors

Which is not coupling technique used in amplifiers?

a)      RC

b)      TC

c)      DC

d)     CC

Single stage CE amplifiers are used in audio amplifiers

a)      True

b)      False

Transformer coupling is used in power amplifier

a)      True

b)      False

Advantage of direct coupling technique, ------------------

a)      Circuit is simple

b)      Cost is less

c)      Small in size

d)   All of above

Frequency response of transformer coupling is ------------------

a)      Excellent

b)      Best

c)      Poor

d)     None of above

To select and amplify particular frequency signals ------------------ amplifiers are used.

a)      Single stage CE amplifiers

b)      Multistage amplifiers

c)      FET amplifiers

d)     Tuned amplifiers

Direct coupled amplifiers are used in ------------------ applications11

a)      Voltage amplifier

b)      Power amplifier

c)      Low frequencies applications

d)     None of above

In tuned amplifier, resistive load is replaced by ------------------

a)      Capacitor

b)      Inductor

c)      Tank circuit/tuned circuit

d)     Transformer

Tuned amplifiers works on ------------------principle

a)      Parallel resonance

b)      Feedback

c)      Coupling

d)     None of above

In staggered tuned amplifier, each tuned circuit is tuned at ----------------------- frequency which is useful to obtain increased bandwidth

a)      Same frequency

b)     Slightly different frequency

c)      Very high frequency

d)     None of above

-------------------- coupling is used in power amplifiers

a)      Transformer

b)      Resistor-capacitor

c)      Direct coupling

d)     All of above

There is high signal distortion in power amplifier.

a)      True

b)      False

Driver stage of power amplifier consists of --------------

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)      Class-C power amplifier

d)     Class-AB power amplifier

The location of Q-point is---------------------- in case of class-AB power amplifier

a)      On the centre of load line

b)      On x axis

c)      Just below x axis

d)     Just above x axis

--------------------power amplifier has highest efficiency among all types of power amplifiers.

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)      Class-C power amplifier

d)     Class-AB power amplifier


--------------------power amplifier has less or no cross over distortion among all types of power amplifiers.

a)      Class-A power amplifier

b)      Class-B power amplifier

c)      Class-C power amplifier

d)     Class-AB power amplifier

Class-AB power amplifiers are used in----------------------application.

a)      Outdoor musical system

b)      Audio power amplifiers

c)      RF amplifier

d)     All of above


Cross over distortion can be removed or avoided if the conduction of the transistor is more than---------------, due to which both the transistors will not be turned OFF at the same time.

a)      one half cycles

b)      one full cycle

c)      less than half cycle

d)     none of above

Feedback is the process of giving back fraction of output back to the input.

a)      True

b)      False

voltage series, voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback amplifiers are the types of positive feedback

a)      Ture

b)     false

Feedback is used for controlling action

a)      True

b)      False

Positive feedback improves stability of circuit

a)      Ture

b)     False

In positive feedback, feedback signal is -------------------

a)      Absent

b)     In phase

c)      Out of phase

d)     None of above

In positive and negative feedback total phase shift in the circuit is-------------- and -------------- respectively.

a)      0 degree and 360 degree

b)     360 degree and 180 degree

c)      90 degree and 180 degree

d)     None of above

In negative feedback, bandwidth -----------------

a)      Decreases

b)      Remains constant

c)      Is limited

d)     Increases

 Positive feedback is used in amplifiers

a)      True

b)     false

A power supply having voltage regulation of __________ is unregulated power supply

a)      2 %

b)      5 %

c)       6 %

d)      10%



If zener diode is connected in reverse bias, it works as_______

a)      Rectifier

b)      Amplifier

c)       Closed switch

d)      Voltage regulator



________is the ability of power supply to maintain the specified output voltage with varying input voltage

a)      Load regulation

b)      Line regulation

c)       Stabilization

d)      None of above


In transistorized series voltage regulator, load current passes through series connected___________

a)      Resistor

b)      Zener diode

c)       Transistor

d)      None of above




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