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16 Jul 2020

Power Amplifier: Introduction

Chapter 2: High Power Amplifiers

Sub point 2.1

Power  Amplifier:  Comparison  between small  signal  amplifier  and  power amplifier,  performance  parameter  of power  amplifier  like  :  bandwidth,  gain, frequency  band,  efficiency

  • Comparison between small signal amplifier and power amplifier


  Amplifier is electronic device which is used to provide the strength to weak signals. Weak signals are of different type and need to amplify for different reasons. One example of weak signal is ECG (Electrocardiogram) which needs to amplify to take proper decisions by doctor.  Another examples of weak signals like thermocouple current, audio signal and so on.

       Amplifiers broadly classified as Small signal amplifiers/voltage amplifiers and power amplifiers. Following table gives difference between these amplifiers.


Small signal amplifiers /voltage amplifiers

Large signal amplifiers

/power amplifiers

Type of transistor used

Ordinary transistor

Power transistor

Type of coupling used

RC coupling

Transformer coupling

Beta (β)

High (greater than 100)

Low (20-50)

Collector resistor (Rc)

High (4kΩ to 10kΩ)

Low (5 to 20Ω)

Output impedance

High (~12kΩ)

Low (~200Ω)

Input voltage

Low (few milliVolts)

High (2 to 4Volts)

Collector current (Ic)

Low (~ 1mA)

High (greater than 100mA)

Signal distortion










As pre-amplifiers

Audio amplifiers, public address systems


  • Power amplifier:

      Power amplifiers are the amplifiers in which power transistors are used that are capable of handling high power and provides large amount of power to the loads like loudspeaker, motor etc. Power amplifiers are generally used at last stage of practical amplifier. For example consider the block diagram below,


 Fig: Practical Amplifier with Different Stages


    Figure shows practical amplifier in which number of voltage amplifiers are used in previous stage and in final stage power amplifiers are used. Let’s see brief working of the circuit.


    1] Voltage amplifiers: Are used to increase the strength of weak signals


    2] Driver stage: Supplies necessary power to power amplifier. Generally consists of class – A power amplifier with transformer coupling


    3] Power amplifier: Generally class – B push-pull amplifier with transformer coupling is used which is last stage of practical amplifier and feeds the power directly to the load, in our case, speaker.


  • Performance parameters of power amplifiers

          1] Gain: Gain is defined as it is the ratio of output and input.

AV = Vout / Vin          (Voltage gain)

Ai = Ic / Ib                  (Current gain)

Ap = Pout / Pin           (Power gain)

     2] Bandwidth: It is the range over which the output of circuit is satisfactory.


    3] Overall Efficiency: It is the ratio of AC power delivered to the load to the total power supplied by DC source.


Overall Efficiency = AC power delivered to the load / total power supplied by DC source


    4] Collector Efficiency: It is the ratio of AC power delivered to the load to the total power supplied by DC source to transistor.


Collector Efficiency = AC power delivered to the load / total power supplied by DC source to transistor

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