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13 Apr 2020

what are MSBTE Model Answers and why to use?

As MSBTE winter or summer exams are on the way, diploma students are advised from teaching staff, seniors, and classmates to download and study from MSBTE model answers. MSBTE provides model answers for each and every subject of each and every branch. Model answers are the answer key provided for specific question paper of subject. There are some reasons to download and study from MSBTE model answers like,
0)      MSBTE model answers are available for each subject of each course
1)      MSBTE model answers are prepared by experienced staff
2)      By studying model answers, student can be able to know the specific answer of specific question and what are the specific points to be covered.
3)      By using model answers students can be able to find out most important questions and their specific answers.
4)      Almost all chapter questions are covered in model answers hence in my opinion, if anyone have set of at least 3 model answer papers, it is equivalent to the one text book (i said equivalent, it doesn’t mean dont refer text book, they are essential for study)
In this blog, i will try to upload winter 2019 MSBTE model answer papers, winter 2018 MSBTE model answer papers and summer 2018 MSBTE model answer papers.
            Hope all students who reached here in search of MSBTE model answers will find it useful.

You can get MSBTE model answers from MSBTE official website and the link is HERE

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